
Burrito In My Heart

I went to a show last night (Saturday) at Jose's Underground in Cannery Row, Monterey. The first band consisted of three girls and a guy, the guy being my friend's little brother who played the drums. They were in high school but they were pretty cool, real nervous and such but they rocked it a bit, though I am unsure of their name. The next band, called Fighting Chance, hails from San Luis Obispo and were really good. The final band was Monsters are not Myth and they were pretty good too. Half way during their set they had a cowbell challenge which I participated in. I basically had to bang a drum stick against a cow bell when they paused during playing and bang it harder than my challenger, which happened to be my pal Sergio. I was also given the tiny cow bell which was hard to bang, while Serg got a huge cow bell. I started rockin' hard but then I tapered off and Sergio won. We both got cd's and he got a shirt. The last song in their set was titled Burrito In My Heart and was about delicious burritos from a spot near where they were from.

What do you think about this - so many people have favorite sports teams right? Well, I have friends that root for many different teams than I do, and I was thinkin' to myself about what it would be like if I were to ONLY shave when one of my teams were to win, and could could continue shaving as normal until they lost, in which case I would have to wait until they won again. That way, for people who know which teams I root for, they would know whether my teams were winning or on a losing streak of some sort.. Hmm.. Kinda doesn't make sense, but a thought nonetheless.

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