
2011 - Day 204

A great big mess left in the hall,
We stand around and pout and stall,
"Not our fault" we tell the teacher,
It was that slippery slimy blue creature!
It came right in and made that mess,
Then it told us it would never confess,
In fact, It said, once the mess was clean,
It would sneak back in to make another crime scene!
Please! We say, but the teacher won't listen,
She says mean things that makes our saddened eyes glisten,
We clean up the mess and go straight to detention,
Leaves the blue creep to a mess-time extension.
When we do all our time and finally return,
We see just how far the blue creep can burn,
Globs of gloob fall from the sky,
Magical fires blind my eyes,
The school we love melts to the ground,
Not a single trace will ever be found.

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