
Every Time a Child Says #qwikRite

Famous Line: "...Every time a child says 'I don't believe in fairies'..."
5 words to use: Soggy, Eavesdrop, Screech, Tail, Chatter
10 minutes...BEGIN

Every time a child says "I don't believe in fairies", somewhere deep in the heart of a magical forest a young fairy dies. This has become quite the problem in most fairy communities, and it wasn't until recently that the fairy prominent Board of Magical Fairy Overseers was able to gain insight on why this 'spontaneous-fairy-combustion' was taking place (because, these fairies that are dying do not just clutch their little fairy hearts and fall over, oh no by no means is this the case; instead, the little fairy, upon a child's uttering of that awful string of syllables, begins to moisten until they are SOGGY with magical sweat, their teeth CHATTER uncontrollably and are unable to stop this madness, even when fairy-strangers grab them and rush them to the cute little fairy hospitals, and by then it's almost too late, for they begin to SCREECH a downright disturbing sound, soft at first though no less horrible, until it is like a nuclear plant siren sounding off, the whole community experiencing the wretchness of it all).

What tipped off the BMFO was the fairy god-mother of a young boy living in the north-western United States, somewhere south of Seattle. She rode in on the TAIL of a tabby kitten, on her way to visit her great fairy god-aunt Amirosa, who happened to be the fairy god-mother of a young girl who happened to play with the young boy on occasion. Well, as the fairy god-mother of the young boy and her great fairy god-aunt were caually sipping fairy tea, EAVESDROPPING on the two children playing with some Pokemon dolls, when they both heard the young boy say to the young girl, well, you know those words to which i refer, and almost immediately after the utterance, the fairy god-mother gets a call on her Galaxy S4 Mini, from a friend of a friend who lived in the same magical tree grove as she, and this friend of a friend was lost for breath and rambled on but it could be interpreted as another  'spontaneous-fairy-combustion' and it was at this time 


Oh so fun. I can feel the influential tug of the current author's book that I am currently reading. A true masterpiece it is "Infinite Jest" by David Foster Wallace. Actually, a separate blog post should be dedicated to my thoughts on this book, because it is insane and incredible and remarkable. and 1000 pages long.

The full famous line: Every time a child says "I don't believe in fairies" there is a fairy somewhere that falls down dead.
Peter Pan, by James M. Barrie

(the fairy dying was the logical route to take, i promise i didn't know the full line!!)